(+64) 4-298-4633
L’Arche is a worldwide federation of people, with and without intellectual disabilities, working together for a world where all belong
Community Prayer Night 6pm
Shared Dinner- where community gathers in one of the homes and everyone brings a plate to share!
Christmas Pageant and Party
Community Retreat
Morning Tea hosted by Aroha Day Activities at 10am at one of the L’Arche homes.
If you would like to come to one of these events do not hesitate to email assistcoord1@larche.org.ca or see the Contact Us page.
13 Sep. 2021
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing.
13 Sep. 2021
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing.
13 Sep. 2021
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing.
L’Arche Kāpiti is part of an international federation of L’Arche communities, started in France in 1964. L’Arche has become an international movement with 147 communities throughout the world.
L’Arche works closely with people with and without intellectual disabilities committing to making known the gifts of people with intellectual disabilities all over the world.
L’Arche Kāpiti is part of an international federation of L’Arche communities, started in France in 1964.
© Copyrights 2021. All rights Reserved By L’Arche Kāpiti.